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Field Notes
meaning ๐ฟ
Remember the Cosmic Joke
Everything is Undergoing Constant Reassembly (Evolution)
Life Evaporates When Taken Too Seriously
We Change Memories When We Remember Them
In the Midst of a Great Big Thing
The Struggle Alone Is Enough to Fill Your Heart
The Richest Aspects of Life Are Often Those Spent In Service of Others
The People You Love Most…
Fiction is a Reality Accelerator
Know What You Really Truly Like
Honor Your Ancestors and Your Giants
Pursue It With Vigor (Enthusiasm)
Pay In and Be Grateful to Do So (Grit)
You’re So Quickly Forgotten
Field Notes for Life
agency ๐ง
attention โก๏ธ
brolosophy ๐ฟ
cornerstones ๐งฑ
meaning ๐ฟ
perspective ๐
relationships ๐ซ
time โณ
writing โ๏ธ