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Field Notes
perspective 🌎
Remember the Cosmic Joke
Everything is Undergoing Constant Reassembly (Evolution)
Life Evaporates When Taken Too Seriously
In the Midst of a Great Big Thing
Honor Your Ancestors and Your Giants
Small Moves Lead to Massive Shifts (Compounding)
Recite the Serenity Prayer Often
Increase Your Optionality
Pursue It With Vigor (Enthusiasm)
You’re So Quickly Forgotten
Bankrupt Your Soul by Being a People Pleaser
Walk the Shoreline of Your Ignorance
Seek Unwelcome Truths to Widen Your Base of Understanding
Excessive Criticism is a Sign of Internal Conflict (Projecting)
Your Unfair Advantage (Modesty)
Leave the Bucket
Start at Zero
Painfully Correct Clichés
Field Notes for Life
agency 🧠
attention ⚡️
brolosophy 🗿
cornerstones 🧱
meaning 🌿
perspective 🌎
relationships 🫂
time ⏳
writing ✏️